Thursday, 19 February 2015


The 'world' looks down on us... you are never right or wise enough, you're just an ignorant being. This is how the world sees things. The understanding of man is tunnel-minded ... leading in one direction, and knowing no others. The 'world' picks a determiner and 'grades' you by it. You are less or more depending on your value. And, the 'world' is none other than your family ... your friends ... the stranger in the streets ... and sadly, the 'world' is you!

Judgement comes rather so naturally, unfortunately, to man that he doesn't notice doing it. Yet, judge a man and he gets greatly offended. The one with the whip has the smile, and the receiver of stripes owns the grimaced countenance. It is easy to judge and be 'right', yet, the opposite when it's vice versa. Never looking through another's eyes is quite selfish ... very, actually. A lesson I've learnt in life is... "Always look at the situation from another angle and you will see the clearer picture." ....a truth that remains true till ever.

My resolution has, is, and will forever remain as such: "The words of another will not hold me back ...". No matter how young and ignorant I may be, I will not get anywhere by listening to others and "staying young", but I will if I forge on ahead and fight for my dreams and visions. To get to a place is a step-by-step process, not a jump-by-leap occurrence. To kill a person’s spirit and flare because they're young is wickedness. How did you get there? ...where you not ignorant prior to being taught or learning how to get there?? why hinder another??? The stand-up thing to do is to teach, coach, share and build a mind willing to learn and mature, not stunt it.

The power in words, many do not know... even, sadly, Christians. Personally, I suggest that if you got nothing positive to say to another you keep your mouth shut. It is better to be quiet than noisy and destructive. Also, play your part ... when you realise the hindering of your growth, whether by friend or foe, simply walk away. By doing that, you're saving yourself from hearing negative words that could adversely affect your dreams and visions. Speak The Word of God, Declare it, Believe it, Walk in it, and it will surely come to pass regardless of others.

The words we speak contain power and life, can cause change that builds or destroys ... beware your words. #SpeakLife

~ Yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 4, 2015 ; 7 : 16 am

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