Thursday 19 February 2015

Disaster Brewing

We, humans, are rather very interesting. We have currently arrived at the point in life where there is a dissolution of normal relationships. In this day and age, everyone communicates via texting, Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp, and blah blah blah ... and no longer face to face, because it is ... well ... weird to actually see somebody and talk to them. We'd prefer to rather hold devices that do the actual communication for us, and all we have to do is turn on some application here ... type some stuff there ... press or tap (in modern technology) a send button, and then we feel like we have pulled off a great accomplishment ... like we created something!

The devices do all the hard work in sending and receiving the messages - making the conversation happen. This is then decided ... by the majority as "the-way-to-go". Natural relationships are thus branded as weird, and the rather weird 'electronical' relationships, normal. Even God came down to man in the garden to commune with him. He could have sent Angels, or a 'Spiritual' text message to man's spirit or mind no? But He actually went down to meet man and commune with him.

Do not get me wrong or the rather ... i am not against technological advancement and the great aid it brings to all and sundry, but ... i always say 'everything has a negative to its positive', and thus, something made for positivity can quickly become negative when its purpose is not understood.

God made the family system for a reason. And here, i refer to family not as just the Father-Mother-Children relationship we know, but as well to the people who are not blood related and yet are just as those who are our blood relations ... sometimes ... even more so. God loves interaction, and hence, man who He made in His very own image has said trait innate. I believe this is why we both consciously and 'unconsciously' try to build relationships with the most of persons we encounter along our journey of life.

To actually be sitting across a room from another and be texting them on your phone, or on Facebook, or on any of the social platforms is ... in my opinion ... completely silly! “... no longer face to face, because it is ... well ... weird to actually see somebody and talk to them.” We readily exchange phone numbers, and ... with such speed i might add, yet blow-off people when they try to interact in person. The worst is, we spend so much time on our communication devices that when we actually meet the person(s) in person a normal conversation becomes a chore! It takes such great effort to figure out something to say or to get a conversation going, that we just cannot be bothered saying anything other than, "Hi's" and "How are you's".

Kids no longer go to play grounds or run around throwing dust in the air just for the fun of it. They spend hours sitting behind 'technology' and learning nothing from real life. Grown-ups are no better. The sad part is ... they're the ones who influence the young ones into this 'technological life'; setting the wrong examples by failing to epitomize what normal relationships should look like.
I am a victim of this, of course. Yet ... i am also a cause.

Daisy-chaining relationships on communication devices thinking it is drawing us closer in distance and person, rather than building such relationships in person - Disaster brewing!

~ Yoyo
~ December 17, 2014 ; 7 : 08 am

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