I'm going to jump the gun here
and say, what we deem 'Normal' is anything but normal ... it's simply Grace
from and of God. Waking up in the morning, breathing, or having the love of a
parent ... a friend or another, or seeing your surroundings and hearing the
very many sounds leap-frogging through the blanket about us christened,
atmosphere. For most, these are so very natural from birth that we don't even
realise what it takes to have what we have. It does not even cross the mind:
"How is all this come to be?" We just wake and go about our daily
activities, sometimes ... without regard for any.
In my opinion, anything a person
refers to as "Normal" should be taken a second look at by the one
with the mind to understand, and I'm sure there will be a change of heart and
mind somewhere. It is rather very easy for pride to take a seat in a person's
heart unnoticed. The subtlety of pride is beyond compare to any other I've
seen. It's like air - unseen in its ways. In fact, it masks itself such that when
it's noticed by another(s) and pointed out, it turns to smoke! In other words,
it blinds the sight of its victim while causing the very same to get highly
defensive. Sometimes, this leads to destructive behaviors as: violence of any
kind - speech... thoughts... actions.
Did you ever sit and wonder for a
bit, how you fell asleep, then woke, had the strength to rise from your bed,
and finally had the will power to cause your body through your brain's
functionality to move? Personally, I wonder about it almost every morning, and
... it just simply bewilders me beyond imagination. I wish I could see how it
all happens in a step-by-step occurrence. All we see is, eyes closing and the
start of even-breathing as the body starts its restoration process of the body's
full functionalities. We never though, see or know how it really happens. We
love to watch our loved ones fall asleep ... personally, I enjoy watching my
sweetheart fall asleep ... she looks so at peace ... like God is carrying her
in His arms and ever gently rocking her back-and-forth like a baby; it's very
touching. I propose that if you've not taking the time to observe someone, a
loved one maybe, fall asleep ... that you do. You will appreciate God the more.
Ignorance causes many to brand
what is actually a detailed-intricately-created-beauty as, drab and
"Normal". If you understood the intricate beauty with which God
created man, you would realise that man and everything about him (walking,
talking, breathing, seeing, hearing, living...) is anything but
"Normal". For example ... i found out that half of my mom and half of
my dad came together to form one cell that multiplied into 75,000,000 cells
that formed my human body... 50,000 of which die and are replaced every 3
seconds. I also found out that there's so much DNA in my body that if you
stretched it all end to end there'd be enough DNA to go the moon and back
178,000 times... that's how amazing God has made you and I! And, what? ...you
think being human is simply "Normal"? You're mistakened! ...that's
how amazing God has made you and me to be ...you and i are simply amazing!!
Now my point. Grace is unmerited
favor. And this Grace is only received from God, not man or another. In all His
Grace, God created all you've ever seen, know and have heard about ... except
sin. He created you and called you the apple of His eye not because you're more
important than any other... but because of his Grace. You're able to fall
asleep and wake up refreshed to go about your activities not because it's
"Normal" but because of His Grace. You can see, breathe, walk, talk,
think, reason, cry, laugh, sit, stand, sing, dance, run, play, smile, frown,
hurt, or ... my personal favorite ... fall in love, and you think it's just
because you can and decide to that you can? You're greatly deceived! It is
simply by GRACE!!!
What do I want you to do? Not
because I want you to, but because you realise for yourself how amazing God is.
You realise that it is His Grace that is keeping you, and helping you through
each and every single day passing. Thank Him every single morning for the life
giving you, and in the night before bed for keeping you through the day and
night as you sleep. It's pretty simple, but means a lot to Him and shows GREAT
appreciation on your part. Till now, I remain bewildered and touched very
deeply that The Creator of All Creation came down to live amongst and die for
His very own Creation, just to save us from Eternal Death. He had no reason to,
in truth. He could simply destroy us and create something better, but He loves
us so much that He came and became man to die for man.
Learn to be grateful ... it will
do you some good. God's Grace is favor unmerited. Stop being proud and
accepting things as normal... show gratitude to God for who you are and all you
Nothing is -NORMAL-
~ Yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 6, 2015 ; 7: 37 am
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