Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Complexity and Intensity of Man

The complexity and intensity of man is beyond comparison to any of creation. It is beyond imagination or understanding, yet understood to be of and from Majesty on high.

Made in the image of God, man is nothing but a miracle. The eye, being the most technologically advanced and complex of all complexities, is but a tiny piece of creation as compared to the sun of the solar system, yet more significant than any.

Half of mom and half of dad come together to form one cell that multiplies into 75,000,000 cells that form the human body. 50,000 of which die and are replaced every 3 seconds. And, you wonder why you get so tired all the time??'re simply amazing!

I found out that there's so much DNA in your body that if you stretched it all end to end there'd be enough DNA to go the moon and back 178,000 times... that's how amazing God has made you to be.

One from the past nailed it when he said this . . .

“Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the long course of rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the circular motion of the stars... but they pass by themselves and don't even notice.” - Augustine

. . . The most amazing of all creation is . . . you and I.

Though we are but a vapor, you and me, and tiny and frail, we are marked by Majesty, and we have been created in the very image of God who breathes out the stars and put the universe into place. You and I are fashioned and formed and ordained by the God of all creation. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, you and I. We are a miracle! You are somebody incredibly special!!

~ Indescribable
~ Louie Giglio

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