Thursday 19 February 2015

The Futility of Man

Man goes like;
"Oh hey! ...i put this and that resources together and got that ...

God goes like;
"Errrr...??? O.o"

Man goes like;
"No ... no ... seriously ... look at this ... I'm a genius! I created something awesome!!!"

God, wondering what man is going on about, takes a look. Smiling, He responds;
"Ummm ... not to burst your bubble, buuuut ... i kind'a dropped that thing-of-a-jig and that other thingy right at those spots where you found 'em just so you can find and play with 'em. Notice you called it 'awesome'? It is simply because I’m awesome and thus ... all my creations are awesome too. Take you for an example: i made you and thus you're totally awesome! Therefore, in your workings ... you also made something awesome!!"

Man, heartbroken, lowers his head for a while. Upon raising it;
"I make something awesome and brand it awesome, then you sashay on in here, right in this moment and try to steal it! Sigh! All my effort ..."

God, saddened by this reaction;
"I thought you'd be grateful for how beautifully and wonderfully i made you. You are unique as compared to any and every I’ve created. In fact ... you're the best of all my awesome works! It's why i branded you: 'The Apple of My Eye'.

Man pauses to think;
"But ... but ... i made it ... through my wisdom and effort. You didn't lift a finger ...?!!"

God, smiling again, crosses arms;
"Well ... let's, for a second, analyze that statement."

Man wondering what's coming next;
"Oooo - kaaaaay??  o.O  ... i guess??? O.o"

God, crossing legs and resting hands on knee, smiles at man's confusion;
"You say i lifted not a finger and made no effort in your thing's creation right?"

"Yeah ..."

"So, you used your fingers alone?"

"Uh huh!"

"... and it was all your wisdom and effort, right??"

Man, getting irritated, exhales;
I already said all this, so why are you repeating the questions back at me?
You're God ... no??
... aren't you supposed to know all this already or something?!!!"

"I'm sorry if I offended you by my questions. I just wanted to have you sure of your words. Anyway ... I shall proceed."

Man jittery;
"Yes ... please do, thank you."

God pauses;
"Okay so ... let's start with the fingers ... your fingers."

"Yeah? ... what about 'em??"

"Who do you think made your fingers?"

Everyone knows that...!"

*God smiles at the ignorance of man*

Man, confused;
"Errr ... what's funny about what i said? Did i say something wrong??"

"Well ... it's just that, man is errr ... well ... for 'lack of better way to put it' ... interesting in his ‘thinkings’."

Man further confused;
"I don't get You..."

"Your choice of the word 'everyone' caught my attention. Not everyone knows about Me and my creative ways. Some think I'm some lifeless wooden or metal thing-a-ma-jig lying around somewhere doing nothing but simply collecting dust. Some even think I do not exist, and that I'm just some fairytale made up to scare men.

This is why I smiled in reaction to your earlier response."

*Man pensively thinks this through*

"Okay so ... I created your fingers. Your words by the way.

Next, I'd like to know where you got your energy from?"

"Oh?? ...that's pretty simple! Everyone knows we get energy from food. You eat food ... the body breaks it down to the important stuff ... you get energy! Pretty straight forward. My 1 year old kid brother knows that!"

God smiles;
"Okay... and where'd the food come from then?"

"That's pretty simple too. Trees!!! Everyone knows food comes from trees. You get a tomato here, an onion there, some rice here, some greens there, oh and ... fish from the seas and meat from the animals gallivanting about the lands. Put all that together through some skill on a fire and ... woooala!!! FOOD!!!"

"Hmmm ... interesting summary of things. Well ... okay ... so tell me ... where do trees come from then?"

"Oh brother! Is there a point to all this??"

"Just humor me for a bit."

*Man sighs*
"Fine ..."

"So trees ... where ever on Earth do they come from?"

Man smirks;
"It's funny you should say that.

'Where on Earth...'?

Well ... Earth!! ...the land ...soil ...the black stuff that holds trees up and providing 'em with nutrients. And before you ask what soil is ... land, leaves and other stuff is broken down into the black stuff full of nutrients by little wormy things or rather. So food comes from trees, which get their food, if you will call it that - food, from the soil which in turn is from the decomposition of stuff by worms and the like and on and on and on ... it's a rather very long detailed chain of events, one linking to the other, in order to get to then end or start product. Trees though, are from seeds sown in the soil, watered and nurtured o'er time. There!
Can we move this along ... ??"

God smiles;
" forgot wisdom."

"Huh??" O.o

"You forgot to tell me where your wisdom came from."

Man laughs mockingly;
"From my brain! ...where else??"

"Aha! Now ... my point.
Where'd all those things come from? ... what you call the 'start product'', and all those worms, the seeds, the water bodies, the animals, your brain and all that?? Certainly, they did not just appear on or in the earth out-of-the-blue ... ??"

Man, finally getting the idea, responds;
"Well ... errr ... You?!"

"Me?? sure 'bout that?"

Man, slightly embarrassed;
" ... "

"You can find no words huh ... ?"

Man embarrassed, drops his head in shame;
" ... "

God smiles;
"You see, I may not have lifted a finger now but I did that long ago when I made all things possible for you to achieve anything at all, like that awesome thing you created earlier on. I provided everything you would ever need and spread it across the Earth like puzzle pieces so you'd enjoy 'creation' like I did in my day. I wanted you to be full of joy ... not sad as you are now.
My peace though ... it surpasses all understanding. Don't be sad ... rest in my peace and go about creating more awesome stuff! ...I did give you the brains wisdom-full for that." *wink*

Man, slowly looking up;
"Why are you so nice, kind and merciful? ... so thoughtful and loving?? ...despite everything I've done ...all my sins, disrespect and disregard for you?? Why???"

God, smiling;
"My child ... because ... it is simply who I am. I am love itself! Besides ... I love my creation. After all ... you certainly are the Apple of My Eye."

Man, full of the peace of God;
"I'm sorry Father..."

God smiling;
"Come dwell safe under my wings. I'll watch over you and give you even more awesome ideas than this one. I will never leave you nor will i forsake you. I'm gonna be right here by your side. What d'you say we go create something the world hasn't seen yet??"

Man, teary-eyed;

~ Yoyo
~ December 3 , 2014 ; 8 : 30 am

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