Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

So ... I've been learning a lot on grace this past month at church and throughout my life, and it's been on my heart to, so I thought "...why not share??" It's been wonderful realising how errr ... blessed I am. The thing is, when you see life the way you should, your thoughts and actions mimic and change as well... unless your heart is made of stone! Those who've been following the teachings at church with me will quickly admit their thinkings concerning life and God has radically changed. The understanding of God, and the kind of emotions felt towards Him has changed as well... it's all reverence now. When you realise you're alive only because God allows it and not because it's your right or something, you stop trying to feel important and start thanking God for such unmerited favor! Imagine this... Jesus leaves His comfort zone where He is worshipped as God and King and comes down in the form of man (so man can comprehend Him) to live with man and help man out. He then switches places with man, allowing man to go and "chill" while He goes to die in place of man... all to bear man's sins and scars!! Have you ever thought of it this way??

Grace is the best thing that ever happened to man. Without grace... we'd all be in hell! Heaven and Hell are not folklores made up to scare people in order to put 'em on the right path as some people think... they're very real! How do I know?? I encourage you to read Chapter 15 of the first Corinthians. Its verse 19 says: "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." Also, there's enough evidence in the Word and even science to prove the existence of Jesus. Many have also had experiences of visiting either one or both places, and I'd sure love to add to the numbers of those that visited Heaven. ...point is, there's no need dying before finding out the truth in this; that would be greatly unwise! The thing about being man is our reliance on our senses, especially in regards to sight and mind (understanding). We (majority of man) are the 'seeing is believing' kind of people; we need to see and comprehend before believing. This is a great disadvantage seeing us God operates on a higher level of 'believing without seeing'. At man's level, limited things are possible, but at God's level... all things are possible!

On Sunday, I understood Grace some more. It was some kind of an odd experience because when it happened Grace just made sense! I like to use my personal life to explain things... it makes explaining easier and more realistic. When things are explained only theoretically with general examples it doesn't carry as much weight as it does when your own life is an example. So... Grace. Grace I would say, relying on how I felt during Sunday's odd experience, can be defined as: "The power to bind or free." A good friend did something I felt was unfair to me and thus I got a little upset. After the one kept trying to figure out what was wrong with me (because in reaction I'd played my favorite card - Silent Treatment) I decided to address the issue. It was then I literally felt the power in my heart and hand to decide what the ruling would be, and how the one was at my mercy. Let me put it this way: you know how sometimes we have something another desires and we get to choose based on how we feel if they get it or not? ...and they can do ABSOLUTELY nothing about our decision on the thing?? That's the exact kind of feeling I got, and then the word "Grace" was whispered into my heart and mind. I then understood a simple truth - we do not in any way have any power of choice when it comes to our lives... such power lies in the hand of God. Everything we do each moment is just by the Grace of God. Walking, talking, jumping, singing, dancing, breathing, dreaming, thinking, playing, laughing, working, seeing, hearing, feeling, and even... getting angry. Yes... weird... I know.

Look, I'm simply trying to get to you to realise that that pride you hold in your heart for various achievements... if God didn't let lines fall in pleasant places, you'd achieve ABSOLUTELY nothing! Your education... your career... your relationships... it's all by Grace. You think you're more important than others and that's why you breathe and walk this earth while another 'sleeps' six feet under it?? Please! ...see the truth for what it is - You are very important to God and as well to some others, but not more important than any other. God's Grace is for all and sundry. Honestly, you're alive and can do all things because God want and allows it. Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me", and though it was a personal concluding statement made by Epaphroditus, it is a statement that holds true for every single human being walking this earth.

Humble yourself and thoughts, or you will be reduced to nothing! ...I assure you.

One last thing I wanna hammer on is that, Heaven and Hell are real. We even experience a bit of both here on earth. How?? Jesus explains it best in these eleven verses:

"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me."  ~  Matthew 25 : 34 - 45 (KJV)

Showing kindness, care, and love to people whether they deserve it or not is a taste of Heaven, while holding on to unforgiveness, hatred and anger is a feel of Hell. Wherever the presence of the Lord is, there's Heaven - love and care, and wherever it is absent, there's Hell - hate and anger. Bear in mind that when you love, you share a bit of Heaven with someone here on earth, but on the other hand... it is Hell you so graciously mete out when you do not forgive and choose to hate a fellow human.

Share Heaven with someone today...

~ yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 24, 2015 ; 10:17am

Monday, 23 February 2015

- Search Direction -

To be human, I've always felt, is not an easy task. It's an unending maze of decisions and choices. Dare take the wrong one and scars await you, find the right one though and a smile is yours for the taking. Many times, our search for answers or our desires about a thing presents us with questions we seek answers to. The sad part about what happens next is, we almost always (at least 99% of the time) want to take the easiest and safest of ways out. Anything that makes no sense to us is not worth our rather limited trust. This is also the reason why many find it very hard to believe in God despite the evidence of His existence. Man is but a vapor, yet he likes to feel like he is God; full of wisdom and immortal. We then realise our fragility when difficulties arise... our weakness when great mountains rise past clouds before our very eyes. We end up looking to fellow man for help... for comfort... for peace, only to regret that decision

Man celebrates you but once in a year; on your birthday, and yet, even that is fleeting... God, on the other hand, does that every single moment of every single day of your life! So, why do we keep looking to man for the feeling of belonging? Is it 'cause we cannot see God?? ...or, just 'cause it seems like an easy way out? Faith doesn't make sense to man because man has to see, believe and understand what is brought to his door. He depends so much on his senses that anything right in front of his very eyes that isn't 'tangible' by said senses is not feasible. A lack of understanding about something brings great doubt about the thing no matter how clearly it sits before him.

Whenever man does a really good job of hurting us, we turn to (another) man to 'heal' us. We look in all the wrong places for help with our hurt and burdens. Jesus says: " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - Matthew 11 : 28 - 30 (KJV) ...and yet, for some reason, we prefer to turn to man. Jesus literally says we should exchange with Him our burdens for His peace, but we'd rather go to man and exchange burden for burden. No man carries peace neither can he give peace... all he has is his weaknesses and desires. Jesus ALONE can give us peace. Why look we to man for answers??

We're human so we get hurt and offended because man makes many errors. Man further gets upset at fellow man and wants to get rid of him. All he seeks for is for himself... his own gain. Jesus on the other hand, all He ever does is to love, forgive and bring us peace regardless of how we treat Him. He came to earth in the form of man so man could relate with Him seeing as He knew that man would not be able to if He came down in His Godly form with his power and glory. He then tried to help man in person with his endless problems and then went and died to save that very man, you and I, for his sins. He honestly had NO reason to, but He did it just the same simply because He loves His creation so much He'd die in place of us to save us. Next time you're hurting or you fall sick or you might lose your life, ask another if he is willing to take your place and see his first reaction to that. (The first reaction because that's usually the honest one. The rest that follow wouldn't be as honest.). Even better, try it with anyone who claims they truly love you... you just might be surprised the reply you get.

Without the Holy Spirit to guide us to love and forgive fellow man, all we'd ever have done would be to hate each other. Man may have been made in the image of God but does not make him completely flawless. The flesh does not desire what its creator created it for... it seeks its own pleasures! The spirit though is willing, and wars against the flesh in a constant battle. The spirit wins only when the bible is studied diligently and prayer is made very often (like every moment is every day). If you don't mind losing and disappointing God, ignore prayer. To win the battle though, and place a priceless smile on God's face... Pray!

"You don't have to save the world... I believe that's already been done." - Greg Kinnear #Heaven_Is_For_Real

We all, well... maybe not all, but some of us try to save the world with our weaknesses when it's already been saved in power by Jesus through His death and resurrection. ...another point that proves man is man.

Man has an off-switch for his love. His emotions go haywire every so often. He cannot remain a constant no matter how hard he tries on his own. His feelings toward you change with respect to his expectations of you; fail and be frowned upon, do the expected and be loved. You wanna know the difference between man and God, and why man can never be God?? God is the perfect definition of Constant, while man is the very perfect definition of Variable. Man naturally loves with reason, Jesus loves naturally "without reason"; man needs a reason to love, Jesus doesn't... He just does. I had a misunderstanding with my dearest and after a while she sent me this message:

"When humans get offended
...they turn their backs until you apologise
....when we offended God He came to us to make amends
Never turning his back on us
#100% LOVE"

I felt guilty knowing those words hold water... and a lot of it too. They're so true that I felt guilt flood my heart as I read those words. I realised I almost always wait for her to apologise before letting go of something she did that got to me. I also realised that I was a poor imitator of Jesus, and that I was selfish in that regard. I asked for her forgiveness as well as God's, and decided to work on living more like Jesus did when He was here on earth: Not judging, but loving and forgiving constantly. We are all guilty of this, and if you tell me I'm wrong then you're being dishonest with yourself, man and God. (1 John 1 : 8 - 9: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.)

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest..." is such a comforting assurance that the thought of it alone brings you some form of comfort, yet, till now... we still keep turning to man for his form of comfort that's fleeting. I am guilty of this... you are guilty of this... we all are guilty of this. It does not mean we should sit and remain there, it means we realise our flaw in this and must correct it immediately.

We must turn to the Creator for comfort and not the Creation which needs the comfort.

~ yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 23, 2015 ; 8:56 am

Thursday, 19 February 2015

To be or Not to be?

For the young at heart like me... this is a question that by default, and without considering-thinking, is answered in the positive - To Be! Many though, if they knew what was coming, would start to consider before making a choice. Ps: I'm sharing what I've learnt, but I stand corrected.

In having a conversation with a friend the other night, I made the following statement: "Friends teach us much ...if we listen hard enough." It is a statement I made in response to her saying: "I'm learning patience... So what better way than to have my friends teach me." What she meant was, by the good and the bad she goes through with relations, she is learning to be a better person and to make smarter choices. Generally, we figure that learning comes only from the adults and the old who've seen more of life than the young have, but truth is ... we can learn a thing or two from even those younger than we are... only if we are willing to listen.

"You know the only time something affects you is if you've invested in it? So do you stop investing, or do you limit your investment, or do you psyche yourself for a half chance of good and bad results?" Further on in the conversation I had with said friend, she asked me this. I understood her perfectly well because over the years, I've come to realise the reality of life - Sacrifice. In order to achieve anything in life, sacrifice is a must. If you cannot give up (or let go) stuff for the joy of another, you will have a bond of unforgiveness knocking at your door. And, if you read what I shared on unforgiveness, I doubt you'd want it residing with you.

Now, and with all due respect, I know that I'm still young and learning, but over the last few years I've learnt stuff through questions, observations and my own relationship, and since I get this question a lot off-late I decided to share a bit on it. Should you want details though, you'd have to seek a counsellor.

"To be in a relationship... is it worth it?"
My response to people is rather the opposite of what I thought I'd be saying when I first started dating. In all my ignorance of the pending truth, I was all positive and no negative. I figured it was a sail-through. I knew though that the tide would shift every now and then, but little did I know that storms would rise as high as the heavens! So, here’s what I say to people: "Relationships of any kind, especially the dating-marriage type, are not a joke! You only dare if you're willing to run an unending 100m dash forever and ever! (till death swallows) ...and, that's a rather very long time. You will get tired but there's no stop or rest. If you know you cannot make it.... don't bother, because you will wreck your life and the life of another." Personally, I'm the crazy all-in or all-out kind'a person. I never do a 50-50 gamble because I simply do not know how to. Apparently though, it is a dangerous thing to do. This is why many have a "Plan B"; in case there's a failure, there'd also be a failsafe. This in my opinion though is wrong and rather negative. Why have a "Plan B"? It simply means you know you are going to fail. You believe that you will not make it through, and thus... you plan for the failure by having a "stand-by". This as well is selfishness; eating your cake and having it.

Further along the conversation, the friend made a comment as such: "...I won't bear putting my all in a relationship because it doesn't seem the other is willing to go all the way... always weighing options... making sure they won't be at the losing end of things... making sure that even if someone gets hurt, it's not them but the other party..." My response was simply: "You're learning... we all are. Those kind'a people, well ... they never learn anything 'cause of that kind of selfishness." Many of you may disagree and say being "careful" is not wrong, and... it isn't, but the kind of "careful" where the other person is some sort of a scape-goat is not right. Put yourself in their shoes... would you like to be a guinea-pig or a lab-rat?? I doubt it.

Once again, personally, I prefer to experience and learn stuff on my own than to hear 'stories' from another and not truly understand the concept of a thing. Getting hurt is inevitable, but can be used to improve many lives. You learn a thing or two, you share it and help others. Also, you avoid putting others through what you have experienced yourself that was unpleasant. A good friend asked why I like to allow some things to happen to me, and I responded with a smile: "...to learn so I can save you the trouble of going through the same." I realise my thinking is slightly off when compared to what is accepted all-round as 'normal', but that's just me. I learn what I can and grow as much with it so I can share. It's far from easy... it’s hard! ...as the word itself, but greatly rewarding.

Beauty means nothing in a relationship when there's no understanding, joy and peace. So, to those who thinking beauty is everything... IT IS NOT!!! Haven't you ever wondered why "rich" people have "everything" but have nothing!?? A lot remain sad and miserable, while the "simple" who seem to have nothing, have it all. They smile and laugh regardless of their situation. Beauty is fleeting, but understanding, joy, peace, and love remain forever. Where do these come from? Nowhere else but from God. His grace is so sufficient that he taught us the trick: "...godliness with contentment is great gain." He also said in James 1 : 5 (KJV) "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

Errr... I seem to have gone off in a different direction, but, I write what I'm led to as inspired, so... it's all good. :)

When I get stubborn about a thing when mom is trying to teach me, she simply resigns and says: "...when you grow older, you will understand." I have found that that statement is far from exaggeration. I look back and laugh at my ignorance in being 'smart'. For some reason, humans just won't listen till they experience a thing for themselves... the negative side effects of curiosity. I suggest we learn to listen and stop being wise in our own eyes.

A few things I suggest looking out for before jumping on the horse and shouting "To be!": Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance - Galatians 5 : 22. You have to be overflowing with these because you will be tried and tested ... rather severely I must add. You will realise your strength or weakness when those tests come, and you will know where you need to work on. None is perfect but God. Do not feel ashamed when you make a flaw... to err is human. Improvement comes from learning and running with that knowledge. The one thing I suggest you "kill" before plunging head first into the deep-end is Expectations. They're not bad but tend to cause more harm than good. A lot of the complaints and misunderstandings is simply ‘cause one failed to meet the expectations of another. It is good to desire something from the relationship, but when you realise it is bringing more trouble than peace ... throw it out the window. It is better to have nothing and peace, than everything and war!

The heart and mind are were the war is. None can fight and win that battle for you; everyone has their own battle. The skill to control both must be learned through The Word of God and Prayer - they're the only ways I know off that work. If you however at some point in life develop the bravado of a Knight and decide that your answer is "To be", do bear these in mind:

* * * *
Pray, pray, pray, and ... pray some more. When you feel you cannot take the next step, pray. When you feel things are confusing and messing up, pray. When you're even at peace, pray. Trust me... prayer works!
* * * *
Our words often reflect the condition of our heart. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry - James 1:19.
* * * *
It is difficult to demonstrate love when you feel little-to-no motivation, but love in its truest sense is not based on feelings but a determination to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward. In addition to saying nothing negative to your partner, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness each day.
* * * *
Whatever you put your time, energy, and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you're not investing in. Along with refraining from any negative comments, buy your partner something that says you were thinking of her every now and then.
* * * *
When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies, but after he wins her heart and marries her, he often stops learning about it. If the amount he studied her before marriage was equal to a high school degree, he should continue to learn about her until he gains a college degree, a master’s degree, and ultimately a doctorate degree. It is a life long journey that draws his heart ever closer to hers.
* * * *
Watch out for parasites! A parasite is anything that latches on to you or your partner and sucks the life out of your marriage. They're usually in the form of addictions like gambling, drugs, or pornography. They promise pleasure but they grow like a disease and consume more of your thoughts, time, and money. They steal away your loyalty and heart from those you love. Marriages rarely survive if parasites are present. If you love your partner, you must destroy any addiction that has your heart. If you don't, it will destroy you!
* * * *
The halfway point is the hardest point in any relationship. It's when you determine whether your heart's in it or not. It makes you check your real motives when things get difficult. Don't ever give up on your partner. Fight your hardest for them. Respect your partner. Do not love because you will get a reward out of it... love because you want to whether or not the one deserves it; the heart can be deceived. You gotta lead it, not follow it.
* * * *
Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, and ... forgive more! Forgive till it becomes your natural nature. You may be right or wrong, but just let go and let peace rule. You will never regret it. Hold on to a thing and you will lose your peace. The irony will be: you will learn the "pricelessness" of peace.

Finally... Please! ...do not be pressured into making any decision, neither should you pressure any into making a decision. Why? Well, everyone has their time for things to happen in their life. God has plans and designs for everyone... don't go round messing it up with your limited wisdom.

To be or Not to be? ...you decide!

~ yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 17, 2015 ; 8 : 36 am


Not because we want to, but because we have to... is this act. To want to though, is a plus. Building up walls that tower high past clouds is effortless when a nerve is struck, but breaking them down is another thing all on its own. By the blink of an eye, an impenetrable wall springs up resulting from hurt and disappointment, yet, for some reason, is almost impossible to fell in quite the same period of time. Holding on to the errors of another, regardless of whether it was with or without intention, is the prime cause of such destructive construction.

Unforgiveness is quite the bond, holding back progress for as long as it lasts. It sucks the air out of anything around the one afflicted by it, thus causing a living-death. It hangs over like dark clouds that appear out of nowhere to steal all your joy EACH and EVERY single time the offender is in sight. The result being you literally haunted!

To err is human ...

This, I have found to be truth, as well as a valuable thing to bear in mind as we walk the course of this life here on this planet. We all make mistakes sometimes and we all cross lines we shouldn't, but that's just because we are anything but perfect beings. It is inevitable to commit errors... we can try our best to avoid them, but... mistakes will come. Holding on to those blunders leaves us in that bondage of unforgiveness that steals away all our joy. Like a puppeteer, it pulls the strings of your heart subtly drawing a thick blanket over your will (freedom and joy). The irony of this is, this influence is mostly an abstract power; it is not really that tangible or able to be perceived by sight, but its controlling power is quite untold off and can be completely unmatched ... ONLY if YOU allow it. The remedy to this is rather quite simple: -Forgiveness-

Ask for it ... but give it to get it.

Jesus said in Matthew 6 : 12, 14 - 15 (KJV); "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. ...For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

People never realise that as you let go of whatever hurt or pain you feel you also free yourself from the bonds that bind about your heart as a noose, the neck. Personally, every single time I've forgiven a person, I literally felt the "tightness" (the knot-feeling) released... a feeling akin to the feeling of finally snatching the first breath of fresh air from over the waters after holding the pressure underwater for so long. The reasoning has always been, holding on is easier than letting go. This is false! It is a lie from the liar himself, the devil. It is the great deception he uses to keep a very many in bondage and sin. In truth, it seems very difficult and almost impossible to let go, but in reality... it really is the easiest thing to do. Think about it this way: Which is easier? ...to hold your hand in a tight fist, or to have it open and free??

Each day and moment you hold on to a grudge, you're choking yourself to death. Maybe not literally, but definitely spiritually. The more you hold on and the tighter your grip, the more impossible it becomes for you to let go. With this comes the result of misery and constant depression. You will certainly lose interest in life... I assure you. Many will be smiling all about you... even family and friends, yet... you will have no joy in you. You will try to find some joy, and you will try hard, but with your heart full to capacity and overflowing with unforgiveness... there will be no place for joy. Why suffer such a fate when Christ died for you to bring you forgiveness so you can be filled with the peace and joy of God that surpasses ALL understanding?? *Philippians 4 : 7 [KJV] "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."*

Freedom is yours if you want it. All you have to do to get it is... -Forgive-

~ Yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ February 10, 2015 ; 7 : 42 am