Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Born in a manger amongst hay and animals, nothing like the King He is but more like the servant in service of a King. With only a star brighter than any to guide, His presence amongst men was announced, accompanied by the beautiful voices of Angels in the skies. Welcomed to the world thus, man was before His birth plotting the death of He who came solely to redeem and save the same who intended to Him, kill. The irony of this world!

Fearless though, he disregarded the threat knowing He was in safe hands - The Father's Hands. Born to Mary and Joseph of the Holy Spirit, they took Him to safety as led by God. In obedience, Joseph was more than a gentleman and a blessing in staying with Mary to protect and care for her every need. The two returned upon the annihilation of the threat to the life of mankind's Savior.

He lived amongst men as man though He was from on high. Experiencing the life a human himself, he had firsthand knowledge of the entails of being a being of flesh and blood. The pains... the joys... the hurt... the smiles... the hate... the love; Jesus experienced it all! As He grew, at the young age of twelve, He knew already His reason for being on here, on earth - to be about His (and currently, our) father's business. The wisdom He displayed was uncanny and completely bewildering! So young, yet... so wise!

In the temples, He taught. He explained the scriptures to man. Sadly, man let pride rather than humility overcome him. He rejected this young man... the son of a carpenter. Who was He to explain to them what the scriptures said. They were older and therefore 'wiser', no? How dare He elevate Himself above His elders?!! This same pride is what blocks many from truly knowing God and His only begotten son, Jesus. Man, rather than looking to Jesus, listening and having an encounter with Him, focuses on who he, man is. If only they truly listened with intent, those elders could have learned a thing or two from the one who would soon die to save them from their sins. They missed it!

In any place He was rejected, Jesus simply left said local in peace, but anywhere He was accepted, He healed the sick; raised the dead; provided food for more than enough; turned water into wine, enabled the lame walk and the blind see; the deaf were made to hear while lepers were cleansed and made whole. He wrought miracles that brought such joy unimaginable!

Meanwhile, and sadly, as he healed and brought this joyful presence with Him, others plotted His tragic untimely death. Jesus, sensing by The Spirit the intentions of such persons, fled. He fled not because of fear as many may think but rather because His time was not yet come; He had much to accomplish first (before death), which was already being hindered by these very same who were constantly plotting against Him.

When time was fulfilled and He was ready to complete His assignment by the Father here on earth, Jesus decided to have one more supper with His friends. This was more of a sitting to remember Jesus as He departed, the sitting now christened as 'The Lord's Supper'. Indeed, He is remembered by many as communion is taken together as one at church assemblings.

The time came when the earth cried to mourn the death of The Savior of the world. He was beaten, bruised, mocked, nailed, hanged and crowned with thorns driven deep into His skull... the blood dripped off of what remained of His being. In excruciating pain, He cried out and gave up His Spirit. A spear thrust into His side followed by the blood and water that spilled out were definite signs that He was gone. The earth rumbled and curtains of division from The Presence of God were split apart! Access was granted for man to directly commune with God Almighty. Salvation was made available for all!

The devil thinking He'd won was dealt a great surprise when Jesus walked up to Him in power and wrenched the keys of death and life out of his vastly weaker hands. Jesus had won the battle for the souls of men by sacrificing Himself for every human being born, dead or yet to be born. He prevailed over the past, present and the future! ...emerging victorious from the grave in His glorified form. He visited His friends one more time to show Himself to them as proof of His word coming to pass and to strengthen their faith. Then, promising to return for us all, He ascended to Heaven in clouds of glory.

At this point, man felt alone because the presence of God was not felt anymore. Weeks later though, as promised, the comforter was released into the hearts of men and the loneliness dissipated forever! Man was no longer alone and not only that, but now he had power to trample over serpents and scorpions! He could speak diverse tongues and do even more than The Lord Jesus did on earth. Some stopped rain for months while others stayed the sun up in the sky for a time, still some parted seas and others run faster than chariots. There were those who disappeared and reappeared in other places, while others had bright countenances. Let's not forget those who slept with lions and came out unscathed as well as those who were standing in fire with Jesus but smelt not even like smoke. Oh... oh… oh… and... those who did not see death but simply disappeared into thin air! One word - Awesome!

From the beginning of time, all He had in mind was the creation and care of man. God with His unimaginable grace and mercies created man, saved man and made man His very own child. What more does He have to do to prove and show off His for us? Over and abundant is His blessings each day. He answers our prayers with better things than we desire or deserve and yet we get grumpy and complain when He seems to delay or deny our requests. He is always on time to meet us, right from Eden, and we are always on time to be late and disappoint Him. Such ingratitude!

In the past, the talents - gifts - and powers to minister to fellow man made available to man by God was used as it was meant to - to draw men to God by remorseful repentance. Presently, man draws man to himself for his own selfish glory after ALL that God and His faithful only begotten son did many years ago and even presently. I'm not God and i don't know what it feels like to be Him, but... i do know the feel of disappointment; it is a very sad and somewhat hopeless feeling. Yet, amazingly, His grace remains and is so much more than sufficient for all of man.

The return of the King of Kings is soon. It will be swift as light and completely unexpected as a thief. Upon His return, He will gather His own and leave those that are not His behind. Hereafter, there will be judgment. Rewards will be given and there will be condemnation. Where will you end up? Hell in anguish forever, or Heaven with Jesus forever in joy?? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If your answer to this question is "No", please do that now. I'm not forcing you or anyone, but i am imploring you to choose life rather than the resulting eternal death that will come if you reject Jesus. I'm also not promising a bed of roses as many make the mistake of doing, but i am promising (based on God's word) eternal life full of joy and peace with Jesus The Savior, The Holy Spirit and God The Father.

Make no mistake, no matter how long it takes... Jesus will return. I doubt you'd want to regret not accepting His salvation. He said this in His Word via Paul... "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING." (Philippians 2:12, KJV) This is after you accept the salvation provided by Go via His son. God also said (and i end with this)... "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE, NOR FORSAKE THEE." (Hebrews 13:5, KJV)

~ yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ June 17, 2015 ; 8:07 am

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