Thursday 25 June 2015


What meaning hath life?
For without You
‘tis nothing but strife.
Your mercy and grace
They’re my given ace.

My boast in You is and…
Though faith may waver
My heart in You trusts.
You’re the corner stone
Holding my being together.

The blinding veil removed
On You my eyes I cast.
After You alone I thirst,
If You let me have my right
I’d be in hell this night.

Without You…
This life is meaningless
With nothing to gain.
I’d rather have all of You
Than walk this earth alone.

Though once or twice…
Now or always I may sin
You do not me condemn.
To the cross He went instead
To cleanse my blotted past.

I’ll forever praise You
…in mouth and word
Talent and instrument…
‘cause i’m truly grateful
You did what none else could!

~ yoyo
08 - 07 - 2011 >> 03 : 33 am 


Pride, fame and fortune
Do me no good.

Though it be
But another’s food,

I refuse to so live
And end like burnt wood.

Humility, honesty and patience
I learn to have

So to exhibit
Faith, hope and love

All to please Jesus
The King with the heart of a Dove.

~ yoyo
September 12, 2012 >> 8 : 08 am

Monday 22 June 2015



High up that mountain
at cliff’s edge
was a castle
with towering walls
gone past clouds
gates thick as fog
a moat deep as dark
towers rising up
past starry skies
fortified barbicans and
a portcullis dropping
deep into earth.

It was impenetrable
by any.

One foggy dawn
long before light
came the attack
unexpected and swift
quiet as night
as seen through a rift
or a gentle crack
in the marble
above the grass green
wet and slippery
but short and spiky
as the tower tops.

The stronghold
thought impenetrable
lay crippled.

The clouds turn orange
reflecting the fires beneath
smoke slowly rising from all towers
defenses overcome.
In the great hall
curtains burn
windows broken
chairs and tables
tossed and upturned
the throne… a lying waste
deep sorrow hangs in the air
man’s defense has fallen.

The blind spot
- the backdoor and the traitor.

Trusting in the life-less
to protect the life-ful
brought destruction
sorrow and death.
Fer, indeed
the lifeless
can protect man
as much as a babe can itself
yet, man still, to it, turns
hoping against all odds
fer lasting comfort
safety and rest.

- ‘tis a great loss!

Down in a valley
surrounded by highs
alone and isolated
is a house
tiny and unprotected
by towers, gates or bridges
and naught but trees and
a slow-flowing stream
fer its neighbors.
A white picket fence
and a dingy door
is its only front.

It could be overcome
by all.

Deep in the night
when all slumbered
evil drew nigh
volleying the best
of its attacks
but all to no avail
fer, there was a protector
keeping watch over His own
while they slumbered
unawares of the danger without
lurking in frenzy
yet, unable.

- He never ever sleeps
neither slumbers.

~ Yohan
~ March 3, 2014  ~  12 : 28 am