Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Deep within is a part of us that's seldom let out. It is kept hidden from the sight of mere men who would not be able to comprehend the meaning of these dusty old parts. Dusty, because we leave them there untouched, locked behind the door that is our mind, inaccessible by any but us. Even at the probable sign of something being hidden, a brute force attempt at getting through would be futile because one wouldn't know where to look in the first place. The mind is a mystery - an endless puzzle all on its own. Finding your way through would take only patience and will... the will to push on through the misty creepy forest of thoughts riddled all through with pitfalls, traps, dead-ends and moonlight being the only light source to guide.

Taking the time to sit and watch man in an attempt to understand him would bring you the realisation that man is far more than what is seen on his visage. The outward appearance can be misleading but get through to what lies in the depths of the heart and mind and you will find a whole other person you have never known. I've seen the biggest smile hide the deepest hurt just because being left alone in silence was preferred to revealing what wriggled deep within. I have also seen the repression of pain somewhere in the back of the heart in order to put others before, and then there is the laying aside of one's thoughts so others can have theirs. You think you know a person? ...sit with the same and talk and you will be pleasantly surprised (or not) at what you'll find.

People are the way they are for various reasons, most of which are their own and personal. An occurrence, good or bad, may have caused a certain thing to be buried deep within the one's being in order to forget completely the memory. Keeping mute on something in question could be because of the fear caused by the flooding thoughts of the impending possible outcomes. On the other hand, it could be because the person cannot be bothered with the happenings that surround. Every soul is built different. To associate each as one would be a grave mistake. Some are built of wood while others of laid up bricks. There are some formed up with concrete and then there are those who are made of metal! A mix of bricks and wood, or metal and concrete, or wood and metal or even wood - metal - concrete - and - bricks is where sanity is thrown to wind! Such minds are just an endless crisscross of paths that lead anywhere but the point where everything is supposed to make sense. To sit and make sense of the 'senseless' would be simply futile.

The detail in any design can be used to understand the characteristics of the thing. That being said, don't bother trying that out with man; he is the only exception to this rule. The human mind is almost all grey with little or no black or white found anywhere within its form. Following some made up rules or theories by some professional' somewhere who doesn't even understand his own being will grant you unhindered access to variable pitfalls or worse. Learn from your own mistakes!

Reservations are reserved for a reason... leave them be. If willed, they will come forth, and if not, well... then they will stay buried. We all have stuff we hold within us for whatever reason(s). At time appropriate, it will be revealed, or will reveal itself or not; it will probably stay dusty and hidden in there forever. Just don't take man for granted with your assumptions... it would be regrettable!

~ yoyo
~ inspiredwordz
~ May 25, 2015 ; 13 : 13 pm

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