Friday, 26 August 2016

Rapture & Repentance

So, for the first time in my life I also had the rather very scary experience of dreaming about the rapture, or rather the life before, during, or after. I saw it that way because I just realized I am not sure at what point the dream took place but it definitely was the rapture era, considering the feel of the atmosphere and the realization that came from seeing what was happening all around me.

It was a short dream but it was enough to make me wake up with fear gripping me like a man holding on to a dangling rope for his dear life. The first thing I did was to sit up and go to my knees by my bedside and start to ask God to forgive all I had done wrong. I did this as honestly as I could not trying to be smart in order to “hide” some from Him; that wouldn’t be smart considering He is God, knows all things, and would basically be lying to His face, which in turn would mean that I would still be sinning because I would be practicing being dishonest, which… will cause Him to ignore my prayers and not forgive me.

The reason I am explaining in details is because of the discussions we’ve been having in my Sunday school group. For a while now, God through the Holy Spirit, has kept hammering through each teacher for the day and also the discussions had that being extremely honest in remorse and repentance is the ONLY way a person gets truly forgiving of their sins. Trying to hide some of it as I mentioned earlier is a completely unwise decision seeing as GOD KNOWS ALL THINGS; He lives in real-time – He sees all things as it happens – He is OMNIPRESENT!

The dream was a little too real for my liking because it took waking up to realize that it was just a dream and not the real deal, which if it was, would be sad considering the outcome of things. We easily gave in! They offered the chip in our foreheads or hands (you actually got to choose where you preferred it). I saw one take it in his forehead, and another in his hand (at the back of the palm near to the wrist). The chip seemed to move downwards like it was alive and on its way to start its work. It was my turn and I moved forward, and sadly, though I battled with myself on the inside, I received it at the back of my palm near the wrist like the guy before me. Now, the scary thing was, I do not know how, but I knew these were all Christians, and we were all gladly receiving this thing we should be rejecting!

The thought occurred to me that we were all thinking the same thing, “I will just receive it and then repent asking God to forgive me and then try to live for Him through the rest of the remaining period. This made me sad to my stomach and I felt heavily guilty! It was not till a woman was beheaded on the spot that I realized how true all things were. I realized she was with Jesus, at peace, and free from all of this, while we remained behind living in fear of what would happen next, and carrying the guilt of our choices. I assume the rest felt the same way I did because if felt like a universal feeling as we watched the woman say no to receiving the chip and her straightaway execution before our very eyes. She may have lost her head, but she gained peace and comfort in God’s arms; she gained eternal life.

I do not know about you reading this, but this is a rather scary experience. In fact, it is beyond scary – it is unimaginable! I now and truly understand the earnest with which those who see visions and dreams of hell, heaven, and the rapture want to share with the world so all come to repentance. It may make me late typing this now instead of getting ready for work, but I would rather not leave this till later to type as I may get too busy at work to think straight and type this.

Please take this as seriously as you should. When you’re done reading, go on your knees and be honest in your repentance, then share this with as many as you can. WE NEED TO SHARE THIS FOR ALL OF THE WORLD TO GET INFORMED THAT WITHOUT ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR, YOU SURELY WILL GO TO HELL! AND… REPENTANCE THAT IS NOT HONEST WILL NOT BRING YOU FORGIVENESS, BUT RATHER GOD’S WRATH UPON YOU!


*A message from God.*

Growing In Grace

God is such a being like none other. From the beginning of time, where He already existed before time’s birth, He has been indescribable by all beings that ever existed. We all do try our very best to put some words together to give a description of who He is, and what He is capable of doing, but it the vocabulary is severely lacking in that respect. This lack has caused every human to see Him in different lights and have thus attributed to Him different names to represent the different faces of Him they have experienced. Grace, being the root of all things Christian, is such an one attribute that is too wide and deep to explain, and though it is far beyond any one person’s comprehension it can be narrowed down to help get an understanding of the picture it paints.

GRACE, as defined by a certain pastor, is God Reaching At Christ’s Expense. It is favor that is vastly unmerited, but because of the kind of love He has towards His creation He sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to die and rise on behalf of that creation that that very creation may have salvation (a life of eternal life in His presence) in place of a death spanning eternity. Grace is freely given to all without exceptions as clearly stated in Matthew 5:45 (KJV): “45For He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” This is not just a perfect example of Grace but its commonality for all. It is worth noting that Grace, though free for all, must not be taken for granted. It is a grave error to do so, and judgement will surely come.

So, how do we grow in Grace? Well, the funny thing is, it is something we all do unconsciously and most of the time without realizing it. Think about this for a second. You are conceived and born, then you at some point you start to crawl, and then at another you start to walk. As time goes by and you continue to grow (which, by the way, is another thing to note) you start to gain knowledge through education, moving from one stage to another (graduating) until you start working and get married. Did all of this just happen because it is “normal” and therefore will happen regardless of anything, or because there is a “certain force” at work?

Life is not what the world makes it seem at all! It is anything but “just living the life that we live the way we want it”. We are made to focus on ourselves (and material things) and thus ignorantly, unconsciously and CONSCIOUSLY neglecting the existence of God, The Force at work. It is He who gives us each “level” of Grace fit for each aspect of life we encounter. It is He who gives the Grace for as our conception, birth, and growth through each and every single stage in life. Man sees himself as all-mighty when he actually is all-nothing! …he is like chaff that the wind blows away. Without God and His Grace we are weak, frail and helpless, and walk a path that leads to ETERNAL DEATH (spiritual death – life in hell), but His Grace is sufficient for us, has found us, and has brought us salvation (saving Grace). THIS PARTICULAR GRACE IS ONLY ACCESSIBLE THROUGH ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR!!! …AND LIVING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL (LIVING FOR HIM RATHER THAN YOURSELF (YOUR OWN WILL/DESIRES)).

So, here are some examples of the different aspects of Grace. The Grace for all, as explained earlier, is Common Grace. It is the basest of all the aspects of Grace as it applies to everyone whether they accept God or not. Saving Grace, as also mentioned above, is God via Jesus paying the ransom required to gain salvation for all who will receive His free gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8). Sustaining Grace is that which keeps a Christian through those rather really tough times that just seem impossible to get over, while Serving Grace is that which enables a Christian to serve in the capacity of his/her given talents/gifts. Pastors, preachers, teachers, singers, instrumentalists, ushers, cleaners, caterers, administrators, counselors, and many other categories fall within this aspect of Grace. Then there is Provisional Grace which is the Grace that leads to your (all) needs being met (James 1:17), whereas Sanctifying Grace is the power that goes to work to purify or sanctify us immediately we are saved (Philippians 1:6). The miracles we see and experience in the lives of others and in our very own lives are as a result of God’s Miraculous Grace (Acts 6:8). He is does not have to do this but He does it anyway just because He is gracious. Finally, just to add some depth, concerning provisional Grace where I said, “…is the Grace that leads to your (All) needs being met”, notice I put “all” in brackets. This is because if you do not ask what you want according to God’s will you will not receive answers to those prayers/needs.

It is not everything we ask for that out parents let us have; they allow only what is beneficial.

The above are just a few examples of the countless aspects of Grace available to man as and when required. The catch is that, though it is made completely available, man must ask for it to get it (Matthew 7:7). The same way your parents know what you need but (usually) provide it upon your asking is the same way God knows the very Grace you need at each stage in life, but is simply waiting for you to ask for it. The other part to it is what I mentioned earlier that: Grace is not to be taken for granted though it is free; It is a privilege, and therefore a huge error to do so, and judgement will surely come. The parable of the talents is a good reference for that, and can be found in Matthew 25:14-30.

Grace is how God deals with man, and man in turn responds with Faith. This is the root of Christianity; Grace abounding and faith enabling. It is important for this to be understood in order to lift the veil and thrust all confusion out the window. Many are confused and deceived that “…your life is your own, and thus it is by your own will that you can bring things to be.” Yes, it is true – we have a will to choose, but no, it is not by your own might that you are able to achieve things. Subtract Grace from the equation and you no more have a solution at the end of that equation. Without Grace, you would simply be stranded at sea! Philippians 2:13 (KJV) says: “13For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

A Christian can only be a Christian if that person lives as a Christian is supposed to. A Christian is a representative of Jesus here on earth. Such a person is therefore supposed to do things as the one he/she is representing would if that very one where there.  A Christian is thus supposed to mimic the life that Jesus led when He was here on earth. So, yes… you (as a Christian) have a will to choose, but your choices must fall within the will of the one you represent – God. Anything else and you are basically not a Christian. Oh, and I am purposefully repeating the word “Christian” so it sinks in nice and deep that your life is not your own but God’s. To be a Christian in itself is just by that very same Grace we are discussing.

We know for a fact that God likes gratitude (which also takes the very same Grace to do), as was clearly shown in Luke 17:17-18 (KJV) when he asked, “17Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” So, again, let us not take this Grace for granted: Learn to say “Thank you” to God often and in every moment. If even human parents require gratitude for things they do for their children, how much more the creator of all things?

~August 26, 2016 : 05:53 am

Monday, 23 May 2016

My Testimony

I have a story to tell. Within is a testimony long-awaited. The depths of which only a handful truly appreciate; A mother who stayed up late praying earnestly, and friends who supported with advice, directives, and comfort. A few may have the faintest of ideas of my passing through such lows, but do not know the depth to which I had to dive in order to rise above waters so rough.

Seeing many progress as you seem to stand still like a pole in the side of the road where many cars with many people are moving on to different towns or cities or countries to have better lives while you just remain there planted and the same is by far one of the most disturbing things to happen to a person. It destroys you from the inside out - the thoughts, like curveballs, never cease to hit... each, with more pain than the previous.

The pain and stress of continuously waking up to the worried look of a mother who loves you is one you never get used to. Each day, the weight on your shoulders increase ever slightly but just enough to destabilise your whole being. The compounding thoughts are only light as the wind when you sleep, but even that, it is only if they do not follow you there to haunt you further. For a man, it is an even heavier burden especially because you are supposed to be the "responsible" one taking care of things. Oh, and dare you fall in love and land in a relationship headed for marriage and there you will know what the "weight of the world" feels like. It is quite the experience.

Praying to God each morning, noon and night endlessly, upon reaching and going past the point of desperation, where you start to hope and looking toward whatever horizon lies before you in earnest for an answer or answers to your countless and endless problems becomes the norm of your living - you know nothing else. God becomes your best friend, and your pillow, your tear-towel and burden-carrier. At these points in life God feels further than far past a distance of infinity miles away. Funny thing... He's always right there beside you. Clouded by thoughts and emotions, we fail to sense His ever remaining presence seeing as our focus is anywhere but in His direction. We're blinded!

The worst is yet to come. Opportunities start to rise and with these very positive ripe-fruit-looking opportunities comes a skyrocketing rise in hope that peace and rest is nigh. It's like you could almost literally touch it. Then the fall! Everything fails and nothing works out leaving us worse than before. Broken and left sulking in a dark and shadowy place, it is all we can do but to lie there powerless and emptied of all possible tears for then and the next thousand years. The situation, seemingly so hopeless, results in you not even trying to grab and hold on to any further opportunities that present themselves - no matter how attractively presentable they may be.

It takes just that single God-wowing-orchestrated moment in life to bring a drastic change. A change so unforeseen, though dreamt of earnestly, that it is almost unbelievable. It becomes more of a dream than a reality though a full-fledged reality it is. This becomes that point in life where you stare on with your jaw dropped to ground and your hands flailing in all possible and impossible directions. I recommend a hearty slap from a dear friend (not a stranger you're unlikely to meet again, so you can return the favor when it's that friend's turn) as the way to return your senses to you. It helps! me.

At this point, it is all you can do but to give thanks and praise to the right place-right time God who never leaves neither forsakes all who trust in Him. The flood gates open wider with each "Thank You" directed up to the maker ward. A bit of the heaven experience runs through your entire being, filling you with the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to the point of an overflow! This overflow contains a mix of joy, laughter, smiles, peace, strength, progress, excellence, resource provision and on and on - everything you need (including those you do not even know you do).

This has been my personal experience, one I know many of you reading this can relate to rather easily. A tale to tell the kids as they grow - to teach them of life, its difficulties, and about the ONLY solution-provider -- God! Halfway through the experience narrated above I spoke to God and made Him a promise that if He, like the many He has done it for, would give me the opportunity to stand before men to share my testimony, I gladly would. Thus, here is me, humbled by His very timely kindness and provision that has brought deepening smiles to all who know my sorrows turned joys, sharing my tale of victory with you.

Heading out to attend countless interviews with my head held real high and full promise each time, but returning with my head hang down low became the norm for a period of 1 year and 9 months. The encouragement from mum, friends and old colleagues was a big help in pushing me to get up and go get beaten up in an attempt to try again. Throwing in the towel was such a tempting temptation, one to which I honestly almost completely gave in to. The words of the poem "Sleight of Heart" I penned quite a long while back came to me:

"-manual dexterity of heart
great skill and finesse in part

When you feel weakest
and at your very limit
that is in fact
when you are strongest!

                          So get up, and push on harder." [yoyo: 01-10-2014]

These words, the advice of the earlier mentioned souls, and most importantly - My Faith In God - enabled me to get up each day to fight each battle to its finish no matter how broken and bloody I was left. The result being that I won the war! God's calming Grace, His endless Mercies and His amazing Favor brought me Victory with a smile. My employment brought, not just me, but the many-few who checked on me constantly such immense joy - mum became a 2-year old again with a sheepish grin!

The lines have fallen in pleasant places! ...all because I trusted God till the very end. I almost gave up but I did not - I held on! Trust me... there is NOTHING impossible for God, and this is my testimony. 

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rds
~ May 23, 2016 ; 12 : 23 pm

Answered Faith

I know many times you've prayed for a particular thing or group of things, and I know that it seems like God is not listening. I know you've cried and been low at heart in your thoughts seeing as things seem not to be working out no matter how hard you try. I also know that there are times you just want to throw in that very white towel, but something holds you back each time you want to. I know your hope is not dwindling; if anything, it is increasing in earnest. I know the feeling of living in desert lands for a season, looking for a source of water but finding none. I know your dilemma ...

Life, as I've said many times, throws the meanest of curve balls at every and anyone. It is up to you to do the impossible and not miss batting such 'impossible' throws. The good news is that, if you're a child of God you have His resources at your disposal to help you out - you're not alone. The full force of heaven backs you in all you do (as long as it conforms to God's Word), and trust me, having just one Angel on your team is more than enough to solve any problem, how much more having the backing of the full heavenly force?

When there is a need unmet, or rather, yet to be met, the owner of said need is naturally restless till it is met. On the other hand The God who created all things said in His Word;

"Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth
what things ye have need of, before ye ask him." - Matthew
6:8 (KJV)

"30. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which
to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not
much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or,
What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your
heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these

33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow
shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the
day is the evil thereof." - Matthew 6:30-34 (KJV)

You see, thing is, He knows everything, and before you even think of asking for some need He knows what's coming. Now, that to me is the most comforting thing. Well... after salvation, that is. He also says in Matthew 7:7 that when you ask you will be given. As if to let it sink deep into our hearts (where faith, hope, and belief originate) He also says; "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11 (KJV). So, The One True God says He knows all your needs even before you ask for them, that you should go ahead and ask for them, that He will answer, and that His word doesn't fail ever! What else do you need in order to believe that He can solve any problem... the only catch being He answering in His own time according to His will? Well, that and you switching focus to seeking first The Kingdom of God? Or are you simply a doubting Thomas kind of person, where seeing and feeling leads to believing? Well... this is what I have to say to that; "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED." - John 20:29 (KJV)

To have a testimony, and a really beautiful one at that, to bring glory to God, you must need endure some hardships. Even ones that make it seem like God have abandoned you because those in particular are the ones that bring Him the most glory. Without a test, how would a student know whether he understood what was taught? Without a test, how would anything be proven to be true? Without unwelcome situations that allow God to show Himself mighty, how would men believe on Him, let alone bring Him glory? The faith a person holds in God alone is enough of a testimony to the public that's constantly observing for a make-or-break outcome in the one's life. This is because when that faith is answered (and, trust me... it will be), men are made to marvel and then all glory is aptly directed to God ward.

Jesus, The Head of The Church, said in that anyone who has faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains! Now, I don't know if you who's reading this knows the size of a mustard seed, but it is EXTREMELY tiny! I did a little research to help us have an idea about the mustard seed. I found that it is usually about 1 to 2 millimetres in diameter, and not the smallest seed though one of the smallest. In Israel, there are different kinds of mustard trees, and it was the smallest of all the seeds known and used by those there. Also, notice that Jesus said that when it is full-grown it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds nest in it. This is significant to understand because if such a tiny thing can grow into something that big, it definitely parallels with the fact that Jesus made that having that size of faith can move mountains.

Faith is ALWAYS rewarded with answers. Doubt is the hindrance. God does not work with doubt. A person that holds on to the very end will smile at that end.

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ May 23, 2016 ; 12 : 31 pm

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Essence of Pain

Have you ever gone through a situation which you thoroughly did not grasp the meaning for your going through it? Have you ever wondered why a particular thing happened to you or why some unpleasant occurrence seems to love reminding you of its existence? Have you ever tried to figure out why you of all people are the one having to endure that very situation plaguing you? Well... i humbly welcome you to the family of wanderers! Join us in trying to figure out why life is... well... life.

Pain is a stimulus. It can be a good or a bad one depending on your disposition. Regardless, it remains a signal to an occurrence that requires your very undivided attention. Pain itself is a painful sensation; a somatic sensation of acute discomfort. Somatic, being the fact that this emotion affects (or rather, is a characteristic of) the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. One way or the other, unfortunately, everyone is going to come across this one sensation that countless try to avoid at all costs. It is inevitable. The only way a person will not experience pain is, well, if the one is not human.

I believe that pain is a good thing; maybe not such a comfort but definitely a good source of indication. If not, God would not have added it to the group of sensations a person is supposed to experience at different points in life. Think a little about this; without the pain from a fire-burn how would a person who was otherwise unaware of flames licking at his person know to take countermeasures? Without pain, how would any person know how it feels to be treated unfairly? Without pain, how would a person have knowledge that something is wrong? How would any have proof of life without the feeling that is pain? As unwanted as it is at all costs, pain is a prerequisite to being human in order to live in this very world in which we so tenaciously dwell.

Proverbs 24:16, KJV - "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief." This verse comes to me as i think of perseverance through the pain. No matter how many times the righteous man falls he rises up stronger and pushes on further. How is this possible? Well... we all know that what doesn't kill us certainly makes us stronger. A person gains experience from the mistakes, the hardships and the pain the one goes through (most of the time at least). Knowledge, growth and experience are gained from none other than experience itself. Having the ability to "walk through walls" (which is my personal term for the experience of pushing right through and past painful occurrences) enables a person to grow in response to painful experiences. The resolution is to make things better or to completely avoid any such occurrences. When all that is said and done, it is on to the next painful experience to learn from. Life throws the meanest curve balls ever! ...but, eventually, you get the hang of catching those tricky pitches, and even possibly, the skill of batting them past the horizon!

One such example of a person who endured such unimaginable pain is Jesus Christ. He really is a model of endurance at its very best. Christ felt pain on the cross. In fact, all the way from the garden where He literally sweated blood drops till when He finally died and rose again, the very various kinds of pains He experienced is not something any normal human can fathom or endure. Yet, He did, knowing the goal of His sufferings. He didn't let the pain of the situations overcome Him, but rather, found peace in knowing what He was doing was for a really good purpose. The pain reminded Him of what He was going through for us, humans, just to save us. It is a constant reminder to Him that He gave His absolute very best to bring men salvation. Such pain may be errr... painful, but it is positive in the sense it reminds Christ, and even we who can understand what He did for us, of all that He did just for us. Even though He is God, could have ignored us and simply made other creations to serve Him "better", He chose to save us by enduring such pain because He loves us more than we can know or understand. It such a powerful sensation that it moves many to tears, singing, praise and/or worship to God. I believe that that is a very good thing - men drawn to God.

Truth is... not everything that can help man is nice, warm and fuzzy with a brilliant smile that outmatches the sun's shine. Some, like pain, bring alarming discomfort. However, without that discomfort danger is almost certain. Imagine a world without traffic signs, imagine the chaos that would befall both motorists and pedestrians alike. As annoying as it is to stay at a red light for those few annoying minutes, if those traffic lights were not there, movement would likely come to a complete stand still with many vehicles locked up at intersections and junctions. Possible, as well, would be the fact that motorists would either bump into each other in the demand for "right-of-way" or in an attempt to avoid hitting other motorists. Pain can be such a traffic light signaling events (or situations) to you, but only if you allow it be.

Pain does a pretty good job of letting a person know their true strength - their ability to endure. Every person has a threshold for all kinds of pain. Those who can withstand the most pain either have great experience with it, or are just that good at endurance. Curious about your emotional strength? ...use pain as your scale of endurance. It is the easiest and fastest way to assess your reaction to any unpleasant or difficult situation(s) that may occur.

A seed does not germinate into a plant that gives fruit and shade to man and animal alike without it first dying. With its death comes its life. In John 12:24 (KJV) Jesus said; "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." The same can be said about pain; without a person experiencing such deep lacerations from events there can be no growth to strengthen the heart and mind of a person in order to bring out the one's true character.

If a person is never tested, it will never be known on which side of the fence he stands.

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ March 31, 2016 ; 8 : 15 am

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Prayer's Potency

Talking to God has always been the simplest of definitions for "Prayer". It is an easy to remember definition and reminds persons that the word to note is "talking" which implies a discussion, and therefore, meaning a talk-and-listen session between the two or more (if corporate prayer) involved. Prayer is literally the solution to everything! It is the most powerful and also the most effective tool usable in this universe! It literally does everything! ...but, you'd have to try it out for yourself in order to see that.

'Coming before God in all humility resulting from the knowledge of one's powerlessness to achieve anything at all without the aid of God in order to give praise, worship, thanks, and then make a petition(s), believing via faith that that petition(s) will be answered and will thus cause a change(s) in a situation(s), thus causing joy unimagined as well as the flooding of the heart with the peace of God that surpasses all understanding', is a much deeper way of defining prayer. I didn't see it in any book or online or something... i just put it together from all I've learnt and experienced. This is to allow people have a holistic view of what prayer truly is. A bird's eye view of any situation causes a better understanding of it. When a person always looks at things from the ground, he or she literally misses a lot of things that may be ongoing and may require attention. Thus, it is of necessity for people to take a step back from where they stand in order to see the full situation with clarity. Hence, the reason for me providing this definition.

The healing properties of prayer are beyond astounding. What the human mind tries and fails to achieve in "human peace" is where, when employed, prayer flawlessly achieves true peace. This peace is that peace of God that surpasses all human understanding! It is the kind of peace that manifests at the unimaginable of times - in storms! This is the kind of peace that lets you smile even when things are going wrong because it is the comfort of God that brings faith and rest regardless of the chaos and destruction that evidently surrounds you. When many start to lose the will to fight is when you will start to soar high as an Eagle. The mysteries of God are way beyond human understanding... His peace being one of those mysteries. Why settle for the kinda of peace that has an expiry date attached to it (worldly peace) when you can have the peace that goes on to infinity (Godly peace)??

'We fight on our knees, not with our mouths.' This means that unlike those in the world who use their mouths and members to do battle, Christians battle by going down on their knees in prayer. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12, KJV. How do you want to do battle with such as is mentioned in this scripture by physical means? How much damage can you cause the spiritual by the physical?? None! It is why Paul in that chapter of Ephesians admonished us to put on the whole armour of God (which is by the way entirely spiritual in nature) in order to fight the spiritual. At the concluding of that admonishing, in the verse 18, he adds; "Praying ALWAYS with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints...". If prayer wasn't such a powerful tool why then is it constantly being hammered all throughout scripture by various characters including Jesus Himself, who even taught His disciples how to pray? If prayer was not necessary or result-providing why would He bother teaching how it must be done?? Bra (brother) Paul hammers it again with the simplest of statements - Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, KJV) Thus, what more need I say?

I will always be the very first to admit that being human is anything but an easy task, but it is also totally and completely possible to pull through amidst smiles. How? Well, in Matthew 11:29 — 30, KJV Jesus says; "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Then, as well, Paul in Philippians 4:6 — 7, KJV  said; "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." So, imagine walking with a lighter burden, full to the brim and even overflowing with the peace of God which surpasses all understanding... would it not be possible to pull through the storms of life in comfort amidst the warmest of smiles?

Prayer has and always will be The Key!

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz

~ January 23, 2015 ; 03 : 00 am

The Now!

The mistake many of us make is focusing on the future. Don't get me wrong though... keep on reading downwards to understand exactly what i mean. As far, and, as uncertain as the future is, we focus our efforts in that direction to the detriment of the present. We tend to forget that the present is present and ongoing, and thus we lose focus of what is staring us right in the face. The funny thing is that when the future becomes present, due to our future-focusedness we tend to lose the meaning of the focus we had for the present that was moments ago, the future. We keep focusing on the future and lose what the present has to hold.

To be focused is a good thing. In fact, it is not just a good thing but a necessity to achieve goals, dreams, desires... the like. On the other hand, too much of focus is damaging to the point of losing focus on what truly may be important at one time or the other. Future-focusedness unconsciously prevents any one person from achieving their best in the current because they fail to see the relevance of the present. It causes persons to become tunnel-minded - seeing in one direction only. Take a couple prepping for marriage for example; if they're not careful to enjoy each process that will finally land them before the altar and then finally in the same home, they lose all the possible fun moments available to them because they're just focused on achieving what lies in the future. All the moments where they could have played, smiled, laughed and just made some good memories, they lost because they were too focused on what lies ahead that they forgot completely about the present. The se is true of married couples; focusing entirely on fending for the home and the kids and making sure there's sufficiency causing amnesia that blanks out the reason they even got married in the first place. This is also a reason why some marriages turn sour, because the two who became one forgot what made them one in the first place and end up living a life of two fenders living together based on a signed agreement - marriage loses what it is!

Friends and family are not exempt from this errr ... problematic occurrence. Moments that could be shared that could bring many fond memories are left off in some corner somewhere and the focus is being that perfect person or ensuring that those perfect conditions exist between the persons involved. One night, while i was out with some friends I'm rather unimaginably fond off, i realised that it is possible to enjoy those subtle moments that almost always go unnoticed because of "misplaced" focus. We thrashed out some issues, and putting them behind us, we focused on having fun in those present moments... the result of which was us hugging each other amidst smiles and laughter by night's end. Though i was driving, i did not miss out on those moments of fun because i... we... all got involved in those very moments leaving the past with its problems and the future with it's focus wherever they were. We simply focused on making the best of a night that started on an awkward note, and the concluding result was simply ... very many fond memories that will not be forgotten!

Focus has never been a bad thing. As i said, it is a necessity, but can also make you lose focus on what may be more important in particular moments. This could cause a lot of hurt to others involved. If you were supposed to be quiet and lending a listening ear to a friend, for example, but you were just talking so much or you were just goofing around preventing that friend who needed to relieve some frustration off from their chest, the result would be that friend getting hurt. You would have lost focus of what is important in that moment right there and made a mess of things. That friend may not even complain about it and would just keep their frustration lurking within them, but he or she would start to doubt if they could ever depend on you whenever they needed a helping hand. The funny thing is that this occurs a lot more often than we realise. We fail to notice when we're supposed to be cheering up a friend and when we're simply supposed to be sitting quietly and listening intently in order to just be there as needed. We are all both victims and guilty of this behaviour - the price of being human!

'We focus way too much on the future and we end up losing the present!' This is a statement i made to a friend during a discussion we had recently. The thing is, we are so focused on our dreams and desires that we put in our best effort into making them a reality. In the process we lose what stares at us right in the face. It pales to a shadow out of complete neglect. It is of great import to focus on The Now and make memories of what is, that way, the fight for the future becomes meaningful and starts to feel like it is worth it. The strength to push on forward manifests rather easily and thus your focus focuses like the blur that fades from a camera lens.

Focus! ...but, do not lose true focus.

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ January 23, 2015 ; 02 : 16 am