ability to see far and beyond is dependent on the individual's will to get to
some place only imagined by many a mind. The mind of man is such a powerful tool! How it works, none can explain,
yet it remains anyone's best weapon to get to that place only the mind can see.
mind, if allowed, can tweak the vision's end point farther than its owner could
ever imagine. Though, on each side of the path lies telling temptations aimed
at snatching one's eyes off the dream that lies ahead, holding on to that
vision will eventually get you there. Try as you will not to, though, you will
likely end up taking your sights off the target. This is simply because man is
man, and his curiosity ever lurks in some deep darkened corner of his beating
have only an idea and to run with it is a wise way to go. This is because
clarity will eventually come to dreams that remain the focus of the mind's eye.
Clarity breeds Confidence that cannot be blocked out by anything. In the midst
of a fog, the farthest point of the dream can still be seen with utmost
clarity. This is kind of like knowing how to play a particular musical piece so
well, closing your eyes does not become a hindrance to running your fingers
effortlessly and in complete comfort along the piano.
James Chapter 1 and Verse 8 it is said that; "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways...". This is
such a great truth! A mind full of
doubt is completely unstable and thus results in anarchy or worse. If Jesus had
lost focus of His reason for coming down here to earth... we would all probably
be in hell by now with salvation nowhere in sight - We would be goners! The world would not be as technologically
advanced as it is right now if all those discoverers from the past had not kept
their focus during their search for answers... we'd still be cavemen living in darkness!
picture your mind paints as a result of the kind of future your heart desires
you to have can either remain a fantasy or become a reality depending on your
tenacity and ability to be able to stay focused on that point that lies beyond
the horizon. Trust me... train your mind long enough and it will be as sharp as
the blade of a sword. A well deserved reward you will receive finding this will
be victory in the war over your mind's reigns - you'd have total control and be
able to ignore the 'unnecessaries' that float on by.
future, being bright, resolutes from your ability to see far past the horizon
that limits visions and dreams. #Focus_brings_clarity
~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ July 16, 2015 ; 4:01 pm
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