Tuesday 31 March 2015


All one, we are
yet, different.

Of similar form, we seem
but, great is our difference.

One life each for all, yet,
multiple are the paths taken.

The hearts may agree,
but the mind is in a world of its own.

Man is one being,
yet many in his forms.

Quite a lot, are his flaws
quite as many, are his perfections.

Random, is his nature
Unseemly, is he.

Like wind, he comes and goes
as grass, he fades away.

Though, up, a front he puts,
of strength and will...

Trials doth reveal truth:
naught but frail, is he.

With eyes, different,
the world, he views.

By difference of ear
he hears different.

A mystery, complete, is his mind
yet, worse is his heart.

A web of confusion is reward
for attempting understanding

A being so far from black or white,
tis an area of non-discovery - grey!

~ yoyo
 ~ inspiredwordz
 ~ March 31, 2015 ; 12 : 13 pm

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