of the time, we are deceived into thinking we are seeing right when actually we
are seeing wrong. Many things about us glitter as light when actually they are darkness! The things we see that
appeals to us may jus' be a deception to get us to lose focus of who we are -
are the days when evil came at us scary... long gone are those days. The
current trend is deception via looking like what we as Christians accept us
right or jus' 'Okay'. That in itself is wrong and dangerous because there is
but one standard - God's Word! There
should not be a case of just 'Okay' in our lives, it should be God's Word or Nothing! This way
deception would be difficult and I daresay impossible against us because the
devil will definitely not deceive you into following Christ - it would be
backwards thinking on his part.
human eye is naturally drawn to 'shiny' or nice looking things, and, as well to
things that resonate rightly with our spirits. Thus, evil comes clothed in
attractive garments to throw us off God's track without us noticing. I believe
this is also why Paul admonished that we; "Pray without ceasing..." (1
Thessalonians 5:17, ESV). The moment you stop praying is the moment the
attacks start to pierce through your defense. Not all who smile at you like
you. Sometimes smiles are giving to throw you off guard because we are drawn to
the fact that our enemies will definitely not come smiling at us, and that
anyone smiling at us is friendly. BEWARE!!!
me clarify something though. I am not saying become paranoid and suspicious
about everyone and everything, but rather just be careful about everything. For
Jesus, the devil used Peter to try and dissuade Him from completing His task
here on earth. For you, it could be a relation or a friend. In knowing that
naturally those close to us are not a threat the devil tries to use them
against, and sadly, sometimes he succeeds because we let our guard down. Just be
careful and be discerning about everyone and thing around you... this way,
nothing catches you off your guard.
Revelation comes to redeem…
is a lot of rot out there, and just as well... by our doors. Immerse you and
all that is yours in the blood of Christ very often and ask God to anoint you
with oil. The fire of the Holy Spirit is yours to request when you need. I
suggest you request for it as a form of a linked shield as often as you
remember to. Above all, I leave y'all with this to bear in mind; "...for he has said, “I will never leave you
nor forsake you.” - Hebrews 13:5b,
~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ July 22, 2015 ; 7:43 am