Sunday, 22 July 2018


This morning I woke up with these words on my heart and mind; "Don't lose yourself trying to find something God already said he would give you”.

As I went about my activities, the Lord showed me a scene of a young lady looking all over the house for a set of car keys, this lady was making frantic efforts to find this key. Then He showed me another scene, the mother of the lady was telling her that the Car keys were with her father. Now, the irony here is that the conversation between the two ladies happened before she started searching for the Keys. Then the Lord laid a scripture on my heart. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you. I understood immediately. The lady had been told where the keys were, but she was wasting time energy AMD resources looking everywhere but the one place she could actually find the keys. Then He asked me a question, could it be that so many people have not found what they are looking for because they haven't found me?

God has everything and more that we need, but we find ourselves unable to get those exact things because we haven't found God. 

You’re probably saying to yourself that you've been looking for Jesus and still can't find him. Let me tell you why. Seeds need certain conditions to grow, good soil, water, sunlight and the likes. The only condition you need to satisfy in finding God, is seeking him with all your heart. If you seek me you will find me, if you seek with all your heart. God wants us to be intentional about it, like the way a man pursues a woman he wants till he cuffs her with a wedding ring, God wants us to seek him earnestly. Finding God will teach you patience, it will teach you unconditional love, finding God is not a one day show. It is a process! A process that will chip away the substandard you, little by little, till you finally come to the fullness of God as seen in Ephesians 4. The only time you’re allowed to lose yourself is in the pursuit of God. Have you lost yourself trying to get a job, to get a man or woman, to get an education, have you lost the relationship you have with your first love just because you're trying to find something, He already said He would give you, elsewhere?.

Is it really worth losing yourself, when he has already said that He makes all things beautiful in His Time! Jesus will give you all, not some, ALL! In totality He will give you all you need, when you seek him and find him. Stop, you’re running in circles, come find Jesus! 

Be blessed!❤

by Delasi Torkornoo

Sunday, 15 April 2018


As we humans live, breed, and grow we are faced with countless situations, many or all of which, the path to take becomes a war; a war where our emotions try to rule as Kings drawn by autocratic beliefs. What is right or wrong may seem relative to most due to the way the world has turned out now, but, fundamentally (and according to God's Word), right is RIGHT and wrong is WRONG! ...and, thus, as we are faced such wars on a daily basis we must bear this in mind during the decision-making process.

The perspective of each and every one of us certainly varies on probably everything in this world, however, it does not give accedence to any one person bending the "rules" for personal gain, be it consciously or unconsciously. If that be the case (which, sadly, it quickly is becoming) then all rights would be infringed upon greatly. It has always been of my firm belief that, "...just because you can do something does not mean you should.", which simply points to the fact that our whims of freedom to do what we want because we have the ability or desire to does not mean we should actually carry out those wants to the detriment of others, be it a stranger, family, friends, or (of most importance) a spouse.

Responsibility is a word toyed with quite often by us all. It seeks to give us a directive to achieve along with some rules to guide our completion of it, but, our stubborn desires prefer to be as a river - flowing where it would regardless of cause or effect. This can be as dangerous a situation as a flooding that destroys whole cities in a matter of moments. With such knowledge made readily available you would think that we would be humble enough to be willing to set aside our personal desires in order that the other person could have peace in their heart, but no, "I must have what I want..." tends to be our default resolve... *sigh* ...rather saddening!

Personally, in this quickly deteriorating world, my one motivation to be a person who makes the right decision with each arising situation (and, I'm not saying that I always do) is the thought of looking back on life and having a greater feeling of regret than pride. Such a feeling cripples my spirit even at just the simple thought of it.

The decisions we, so comfortably, decide to make in our lives, regardless of the effect (especially, those that border on dishonesty) are the very same we would have to live with in the near future, while looking into the sunken eyes of those we claim to love, especially, that one person we vowed, before God-and-man, to stay bonded to forever! ...Regret would be too late an emotion then.

~ yoyo
~ inspiredw0rdz
~ Sunday, 15th April, 2018