Friday, 3 February 2017

LiFe in ChriSt

So, we are born, we live, we die. To what end, though, one may ask? We walk this earth for our allotted number of years or days, traversing lands and times, dreaming, seeking, and achieving, but for what cause? …for what purpose?? Yes, our life is ours to will, but ultimately, there must be a higher cause, no?

A life - my life, your life, his life, her life, our lives - must speak volumes! It must set an example - the right one - that others may follow in the right stead. The good thing is that this has been made a little easier by Jesus setting the pace. The advantage being the provision and guidance of The Holy Spirit for exactly this cause. Upon accepting Jesus as your Lord and PERSONAL Savior your life starts to have real meaning. Your will starts to mimic that of Christ’s knowing that in all things you do His will is the ultimate focus of achievement. Anything less or different is unacceptable because every “boss” has standards he sets in order to stand out.

Jesus came to die to bring salvation. He did not have to but His love was so deep that “…while we were yet sinners” (Romans 5:8)1 He came to this very earth He created for His creation to die for that very same creation to save that creation from itself… from its sin! Man had not, and in fact and honestly, did not accept Jesus when He came to live amongst men even after all the good He, who is God, freely demonstrated amongst and for men, yet, knowing what His focus was - obeying the will of God - He stuck firmly to it deviating neither to the left nor the right. Jesus remains THE ONLY PERFECT EXAMPLE men must emulate. His life is one of an exemplary one, demonstrating humility, gentleness, kindness, patience, self-control, love, and forgiveness, all of which men lack in various volumes.

The truth is, yes, we have the will to choose how we wish to live here on this earth, but ultimately where will we end up come the end of time? When this life passes on by and becomes naught but a fading memory, where will your spirit end up? …with God for peaceful eternity, or with the devil for tormented eternity?? We may think we have the right to live “our life” anyway we so please, but the truth is, just because we have the ability to do something does not mean we should actually do it. The consequences of our actions could be devastating, and in most cases causes a rippling effect down the mostly innocent generations to follow. A life of jumping from one partner to another, for example, may seem like fun now, and may even in some ways seem like a rather wise decision, but when the coin finally flips over the result is not one that would be desirable. The “grey” areas, we call it, are actually those within the black or white regions that we men have decided to bend to suit our (ethical / Godly) beliefs simply to have the comforted freedom of carrying out questionable acts without question.

When you give your life to Jesus you automatically become a member of His team – Team Christians. In a team everyone works their very best to build up to the team to achieve the set goals. This is the exact same thing with Christianity; The Will of Christ ALONE must stand in His team – The Church. Confusion arises when believers start to bend the rules, when they start to blend the black and the white to get the grey they so desire. This raises concern as it affects many causing wondering thoughts about decisions and choices to be made. Unfortunately, it is here that majority of believers (who are not properly grounded in the Word of God) are influenced, amidst said confusion, resulting in poor decision-making.

Your life truly is not your own, it belongs to Christ because “you are bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20)2 that is light-years beyond priceless – The Blood of Jesus Christ! This simply means Jesus owns you and therefore your will as well. Going back to the question posed at the beginning of this piece: “Yes, our life is ours to will, but ultimately, there must be a higher cause, no?” The answer is a big fat YES! There is a higher cause than self-gratification, and it is service to Jesus Christ The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Obedience to His word is all He requires of you. It may not be an easy task, and honestly, it is not, but He has made provision by sending The Comforter [The Holy Spirit] to “…teach you all things” (John 14:26)3.

The inspiration for me writing this piece is a song titled “The Cause of Christ” written and sang by Kari Jobe. It is a song that made me think back on life and see what kind of a life I have lived. It made we wonder, “For what cause have I been living?” It caused questions and emotions to rise up within me knowing very well I have not done too well. The truth is as human beings we will falter but it is no excuse to fall and remain on the ground. We are to rise up, dust off, learn from our mistakes and move on, all the while focusing on THE CAUSE for our living - Jesus CHRIST!

Hopefully… reading through these lyrics will get you to take a second look at your life as well.

“The Cause of Christ” || Kari Jobe || Worship Together || Hillsong United 2016

Verse 1
The only thing I want in life, is to be known for loving Christ,
To build His church to love His bride and make His name known far and wide

For this cause I live for this cause I'd die
I surrender all for the Cause of Christ
All I once held dear I will leave behind
For my joy is this, oh the Cause of Christ

Verse 2
He is all my soul will prize, regardless of the joy or trial
When agonizing questions rise,
In Jesus all my hope abides

For this cause I live for this cause I'd die
I surrender all for the Cause of Christ
All I once held dear I will leave behind
For my joy is this, oh the Cause of Christ

Jesus my Jesus, for Your glory, for Your name
Jesus my Jesus, I will only sing Your praise x3

For this cause I live for this cause I'd die
I surrender all for the Cause of Christ
All I once held dear I will leave behind
For my joy is this, oh the Cause of Christ
For my Joy is this, oh the Cause of Christ

It is not fame that I desire, nor stature in my brother’s eye.
I pray it's said about my life, that I live more to build Your name than mine.

~ inspiredw0rdz
~ February 4, 2017

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(1) Romans 5:8 (KJV): “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

(2) 1 Corinthians 6:20 (KJV): “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

(3) john 14:26 (KJV): “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

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