you ever gone through a situation which you thoroughly did not grasp the
meaning for your going through it? Have you ever wondered why a particular
thing happened to you or why some unpleasant occurrence seems to love reminding
you of its existence? Have you ever tried to figure out why you of all people
are the one having to endure that very situation plaguing you? Well... i humbly welcome you to the family
of wanderers! Join us in trying to figure out why life is... well... life.
is a stimulus. It can be a good or a bad one depending on your disposition.
Regardless, it remains a signal to an occurrence that requires your very
undivided attention. Pain itself is a painful sensation; a somatic sensation of
acute discomfort. Somatic, being the fact that this emotion affects (or rather,
is a characteristic of) the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. One way or
the other, unfortunately, everyone is going to come across this one sensation
that countless try to avoid at all costs. It is inevitable. The only way a
person will not experience pain is, well, if the one is not human.
believe that pain is a good thing; maybe not such a comfort but definitely a
good source of indication. If not, God would not have added it to the group of
sensations a person is supposed to experience at different points in life.
Think a little about this; without the pain from a fire-burn how would a person
who was otherwise unaware of flames licking at his person know to take
countermeasures? Without pain, how would any person know how it feels to be
treated unfairly? Without pain, how would a person have knowledge that
something is wrong? How would any have proof of life without the feeling that
is pain? As unwanted as it is at all costs, pain is a prerequisite to being
human in order to live in this very world in which we so tenaciously dwell.
24:16, KJV - "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up
again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief." This verse comes to me as i think
of perseverance through the pain. No matter how many times the righteous man
falls he rises up stronger and pushes on further. How is this possible? Well...
we all know that what doesn't kill us certainly makes us stronger. A person
gains experience from the mistakes, the hardships and the pain the one goes
through (most of the time at least). Knowledge, growth and experience are
gained from none other than experience itself. Having the ability to "walk
through walls" (which is my personal term for the experience of pushing
right through and past painful occurrences) enables a person to grow in
response to painful experiences. The resolution is to make things better or to completely
avoid any such occurrences. When all that is said and done, it is on to the next
painful experience to learn from. Life
throws the meanest curve balls ever! ...but, eventually, you get the hang of
catching those tricky pitches, and even possibly, the skill of batting them
past the horizon!
such example of a person who endured such unimaginable pain is Jesus Christ. He
really is a model of endurance at its very best. Christ felt pain on the cross.
In fact, all the way from the garden where He literally sweated blood drops
till when He finally died and rose again, the very various kinds of pains He
experienced is not something any normal human can fathom or endure. Yet, He
did, knowing the goal of His sufferings. He didn't let the pain of the
situations overcome Him, but rather, found peace in knowing what He was doing
was for a really good purpose. The pain reminded Him of what He was going
through for us, humans, just to save us. It is a constant reminder to Him that
He gave His absolute very best to bring men salvation. Such pain may be errr...
painful, but it is positive in the sense it reminds Christ, and even we who can
understand what He did for us, of all that He did just for us. Even though He
is God, could have ignored us and simply made other creations to serve Him
"better", He chose to save us by enduring such pain because He loves
us more than we can know or understand. It such a powerful sensation that it
moves many to tears, singing, praise and/or worship to God. I believe that that
is a very good thing - men drawn to God.
is... not everything that can help man is nice, warm and fuzzy with a brilliant
smile that outmatches the sun's shine. Some, like pain, bring alarming
discomfort. However, without that discomfort danger is almost certain. Imagine
a world without traffic signs, imagine the chaos that would befall both
motorists and pedestrians alike. As annoying as it is to stay at a red light
for those few annoying minutes, if those traffic lights were not there,
movement would likely come to a complete stand still with many vehicles locked
up at intersections and junctions. Possible, as well, would be the fact that
motorists would either bump into each other in the demand for
"right-of-way" or in an attempt to avoid hitting other motorists.
Pain can be such a traffic light signaling events (or situations) to you, but
only if you allow it be.
does a pretty good job of letting a person know their true strength - their
ability to endure. Every person has a threshold for all kinds of pain. Those
who can withstand the most pain either have great experience with it, or are
just that good at endurance. Curious about your emotional strength? ...use pain
as your scale of endurance. It is the easiest and fastest way to assess your
reaction to any unpleasant or difficult situation(s) that may occur.
seed does not germinate into a plant that gives fruit and shade to man and
animal alike without it first dying. With its death comes its life. In John
12:24 (KJV) Jesus said; "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of
wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it
bringeth forth much fruit." The same can be said about pain; without a
person experiencing such deep lacerations from events there can be no growth to
strengthen the heart and mind of a person in order to bring out the one's true
a person is never tested, it will never be known on which side of the fence he
~ yoyo
March 31, 2016 ; 8 : 15 am